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Food Sovereignty Convergence 2020

The Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance (AFSA) is proud to present the 6th annual Food Sovereignty Convergence, and the first ever online Convergence!

We’re excited to be taking the Convergence un-conference format online this year, with a series of sessions across the week of 15-24 October, which means you can join us from wherever you are!

This year, Convergence will be free for AFSA Members.

If you're not a member yet, we'd still love to see you at Convergence! You can choose to either start a membership ahead of Convergence to receive your ticket, or purchase a ticket and have your ticket price credited towards your AFSA membership if you choose to join at a later date.

Convergence is a space where Australia’s food sovereignty movement comes together to debate, collaborate, share, and strategize to advance food sovereignty in Australia, and build the movement for the future. From farmers to consumer advocates, food rights activists to chefs, from researchers to community organisers: we encourage everyone working on food sovereignty and food system change to join us to help shape the agenda for the coming year.

Convergence will open on Thursday 15 October as we join epidemiologist and food systems writer, Rob Wallace, in conversation with a host of writers, activists, and growers, including Anna Lappe (Diet for a Hot Planet) and Jahi Chappell (Beginning to End Hunger), for the launch of his new book Dead Epidemiologists: On the Origins of COVID-19 See the full list of speakers below.

The plenary launch is free to members and non-members, with a donation encouraged to support the Pandemic Research for the People research network.

Monday 19 - Friday 23 Oct will see daily sessions in which we come together to discuss the topics decided by you - Convergence sessions are an opportunity to delve into the issues you want to debate, collaborate, and strategise on with your food sovereignty comrades, and to explore how to transform the food system in the coming year.

See the schedule below to find out more about how Convergence discussions are determined by participants.

Convergence will wrap up on Saturday 24 October with a plenary session to bring together ideas and actions from the week, followed by AFSA's Annual General Meeting.